Infrared Sauna
Infrared light therapy offers a host of healing benefits for both body and mind and is complementary to acupuncture treatments. Infrared saunas do not get as hot as traditional saunas, but the heat from infrared wavelengths can penetrate deeper in to the body to revitalize cells and metabolism.
Enjoy a session in a natural Canadian hemlock SunRay sauna that uses ultra-conductive carbon instead of wiring, resulting in ultra-low EMF levels that are safe for continuous use.​
Infrared sauna use can help the body expel toxins such as mold, pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental toxins. Releasing toxins helps improve the immune system and lower the risk of chronic illnesses.
Immune Support
Regular sessions can help enhance your immune system by gently raising your core body temperature. This stimulates your innate healing mechanisms and gives your immune system the boost it needs.
Pain Relief
Research has shown regular infrared sauna use alleviates pain and swelling by helping circulate nutrient rich blood to areas in need. It can be used for arthritic conditions, sports injuries, muscle spasms, muscle recovery, and other chronic pain issues.
Blood Pressure
Sauna therapy helps dilate blood vessels, thereby decreasing the amount of pressure on the inner lining. One study showed using a sauna 3 times/week for 30 minutes helped regulate blood pressure
Far infrared light penetrates into the fat cells and causes vasodilation. This can stimulate metabolism and aid in weight loss. Studies have shown significant weight loss after 2 weeks of sauna therapy.
relaxation & Sleep
Infrared saunas affect the autonomic nervous system by shifting your body from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state. This promotes deeper relaxation, reduces stress hormones, and improves sleep quality.
How frequently should you sauna?​
Using a sauna more frequently increases the health benefits. It is recommended to use one at least twice/week and as frequently as 3-4 times/week. The more often you sauna, the more improvements you will experience. Studies show it is perfectly safe to use saunas every day,
How should I prepare?
Please bring your own towels so you have one to to sit on and use one under your feet. Wear undergarments or a bathing suit, stay hydrated
Is it appropriate for everyone?
Refrain from using sauna if you are under 16, pregnant, have a pacemaker, or a heat intolerant illness
How many people does the sauna fit?
While it is a 3 person sauna, it is most comfortable for 1-2 people